NCEA Results / Future Pathways

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NCEA Results

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority will provide an ‘Annual Results Notice’ which shows the results for all assessed standards entered by a student in the previous year. This will be provided online through student's login on the NZQA website ( A ‘Record of Achievement’ can also be requested through the student login. This is an official transcript of all the national qualifications and standards that a student has achieved.

The NZQA website is an excellent source of information about NCEA and should be referred to regularly.

The six vocational pathways indicate to students how their learning and achievement is valued by broad sectors of the workforce.
Students are able to view their vocational profile through their NZQA login. The attainment of Vocational Pathways Award(s) will be shown on their Record of Achievement.

Future Pathways

What are you going to do when you leave school?

For most current school students, the first step beyond school is most likely to be into some form of tertiary education (University or Polytechnic) or training, rather than directly into employment. Entry into many tertiary courses is dependant on grades obtained in NCEA. Different courses and different institutions have different requirements. Please check tertiary training providers’ websites for required subjects and credits. It is important to plan ahead.

Students who wish to study a degree programme at University must ensure the subjects they study at school will enable them to meet stated entry criteria. Please note that entry requirements can change from year to year.

Students planning to go on to university are encouraged to take four or five UE approved subjects. Remember that Religious Education is one of these.

U.E Approved Subjects Offered at Marist College
Art - Design
Art - History
Art - Painting
Art - Photography
Biology (includes L3 Life Science)
Business Studies
         Classical Studies
Digital Technologies
Materials Technologies
Media Studies
Music Studies
Physical Education
Processing Technologies
Religious Studies
Te Reo Māori

There are additional requirements for selection into many degree programmes required by tertiary providers. Admission requirements vary from year to year and are generally set about the middle of each year for the following year.

Many providers of degree programmes are seeking students with 80 Level Three credits from up to four or five approved subjects.

There are additional requirements for international students. It is important to check the entry requirements of the course of your choice at your preferred tertiary provider.