Course selection for 2019 is now finished.

Course Description

Curriculum Leader: Miss J. Foster.

Year 12 History is taught as a two year programme combined with Year 13 History.

Students will have the opportunity to conduct in-depth research into a historical event of their choice based around the theme of protest or hidden histories of New Zealand and explore and communicate historical events and perspectives. The topics taught in Year 12 history include: The Rise of the Nazis/Holocaust and The Korean War.

 All Level 2 History standards can contribute to UE Literacy (reading) and the external standards can contribute to UE Literacy (writing). Internal standards help to develop students’ analytical, research and writing skills. 

 Internal credits: 14          External credits: 5            Total credits: 19

Recommended Prior Learning

12 credits in Level 1 History or 8 credits in Level 2 English, otherwise approval from Miss Foster or Dr Houliston.
