Course selection for 2019 is now finished.

Course Description

Curriculum Leader: Miss J. Foster.

This course continues to develop the skills learnt in Level 1 and to introduce a variety of new ones. The topics covered for the external examinations will be:

  • Large Natural Landscape with a focus on the Amazon Rainforest. 
  • Geographic Skills and Concepts focusing on the application of geographic skills and concepts through the resources provided for a given environment. 

The internal assessments include: 

  • Geographic research based on a field trip. 
  •  A global study and the significance of this study for people. 

Fieldwork: A field trip is organised in association with the research internal assessment, to Auckland CBD, or another destination to be confirmed, in Term 2 or 3 and the cost of this will be invoiced through the school office. 

Geography standards 2.1 and 2.3 can contribute to UE Literacy (reading). 

Internal credits 8    External credits 8     Total 16 credits

Recommended Prior Learning

Open entry but NCEA Level 1 Geography is recommended.
If no Level 1 Geography there is a requirement to purchase and complete the Level 1 Skills workbook by the end of February.
