Course selection for 2019 is now finished.
Course Description
Curriculum Leader: Ms K. Finlay.
Music is a practical and collaborative subject. In Year 10 Music you will develop your performance skills by choosing, rehearsing and presenting pieces of music as a soloist or in an ensemble. You will have the opportunity to write your own music. You will also learn about and play music styles such as Taonga Pūoro, Blues, NZ Reggae, Soul, RnB and Rock. You will expand your knowledge of the elements and theory of music and music recording technology.
Recommended Prior Learning
Open Entry.
If the student is not already learning an instrument outside of school, please complete this form HERE to apply for the Itinerant Music programme offered at Marist.
Pathway Tags
Performing: Opportunities to perform in orchestras, bands, groups, musicals etc. Songwriting, co-songwriting Composing and arranging music for films, advertisement, etc Education: Early childhood, primary and secondary school music teaching, instrumental teacher Publishing and Journalism – Music publishing, critics Conducting – a highly sought after skill for leading choirs, orchestras, bands, Church groups Broadcasting: Radio, Recording, Sound engineering, Music studio technicians, etc Manufacturing and Sales – Instrument designer, repairman, craftsman, music store personnel Music Therapist, Music Librarian, Music business attorney, community arts manager, recreation arts programme supervisor, Acoustic engineers, etc.,