Curriculum Leader: Mrs W. Al-Rahim.
Recommended Prior LearningStudents have the choice of the Mathematics.
It is recommended that students who are yet to achieve the Numeracy Common Assessment should take the Numeracy Pathway, however this can be part of a discussion with your Academic Dean or Mathematics teacher.
Mathematics (11MAT)
Course content: Number, Measurement, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Tables & Graphs, Statistics.
Assessment: 2 Internal assessments, 1 External assessment (Mathematics AS91947), plus optional External Statistics report (AS91946).
15 credits in total.
It is recommended that students who are yet to achieve the Numeracy Common Assessment should take a Numeracy Pathway. However this can be part of a discussion with your Academic Dean or Curriculum Leader of Mathematics.
Numeracy (11MNY)
Course content: Numeracy, Measurement, Statistics and Probability.
Assessment: 2 Internal assessments and Numeracy Common Assessment Activity (CAA)
10 credits at Level 1 in total and 10 Numeracy Common Assessment Activity Credits.
Career PathwaysMining Engineer, Accountant, Auditor, Accounts Officer, Actuary, Finance Manager, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Air Force Aviator, Air Force Officer, Air Traffic Controller, Mechanical Engineering Technician, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Chemist, Statistician, Architectural Technician, Army Officer, Army Soldier, Bank Worker, Biomedical Engineer, Flight Attendant, Clinical Coder, Trainer, Quantity Surveyor, Economist, Financial Adviser, Flight Instructor, Health Services Manager, Helicopter Pilot, Mortgage Broker, Policy Analyst, Tertiary Lecturer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Secondary School Teacher, Management Consultant
Course Costs*All courses*
Equipment: Scientific Calculator is compulsory.